Flowe Family

Flowe Family

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

4-27-11 House Progress

Jason and I met Dave, our builder for lunch yesterday. Everything is going good. I was surprised to see the lower level framing to be completed when I drove by the lot yesterday after noon! The ceiling is in place and now they will frame the upstairs! We get to do our 1st walk through sometime late next week.

Around the House

Here are a few pictures I took out of the blue last night and this morning. Brighton is talking quite a bit. His vocabulary grows every day. My favorite thing that he says is "Mymama" but I could be partial. The one in the middle is him with Sugar Bear who is his BFF stuffed animal. He is about to have his face eaten off so I am am about to go on ebay and bid on a new one as they do not make them anymore. Wish me luck.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter Was So Nice

I have already posted the Easter pics. I thought I would just share what a nice day that we had. The children played and practiced for the wedding. Dada/Uncle Jason even braved the water a bit with the kids. Our dear family friend Dianne came over for dinner and it was so great to catch up with her. We had a feast.

Having lunch with my builder today so I guess I will find out what to expect next with house.

Monday, April 25, 2011

ANother Cousin Curb Shot

This picture is only slightly better than the 1st one I posted. We will hope for better next year.

The Easter Bunny

I was uncertain about how this visit to the big bunny would go down. I had a feeling Brighton would cry. He didn't cry, but he didn't smile either. I will take it!! Max, Craig and Kelly met The Flowes, Antley's and my mom for the occasion. Then the guys went to pick up their tuxes as the countdown to the wedding has begun! The wedding is this Saturday!!

Easter Egg Hunt and Curb Shot

As children, me, Lacey, and my cousins Tyler, Patrick and Meredith always went to Greensboro Alabama to Guy and Bubba's house. There was a huge egg hunt that we attended and between the 5 of us, one of us usually found the golden egg in one of our age groups. At the egg hunt, it was a tradition for our parents to sit us all down on the curb for the annual "curb shot picture".

So far in our family, Jameson has sat alone on the curb for the picture. This year she had company.

Exploring one of the finest beaches on Lake Norman

The House

They are just about finished with framing the lower level and then they will do the top.I can't imagine how it will feel to walk through after it's framed! People have told me that houses always seem smaller when framed then when the dry wall goes up so I am sort of scared of that. I love any progress though!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Who's ready for the wedding?

No, not the Royal wedding, but the day after that, is Kelly and Craig's wedding. We are all very excited. They have not only asked Jason and I to be in the wedding, but Jameson and Brighton as well! They will be the flower girl and ring bearer. How you may ask, is a 14 month old going to make it down the isle to present the rings? Jameson will pull him in wagon of course!! We hope it goes well, but should be cute. Cannot wait!
This was at Kelly's bridal luncheon at LuLu's last Sunday. All of her bridesmaids, her mother and her future MILS were there for brunch and mimosas. It was so nice and we had a great time. A beautiful way to spend a beautiful Sunday.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


The wood for the framing has been delivered! This is exciting. They will be framing the house starting in a day or so. I can't wait. Hurry, hurry, hurry up!!
This shows where they are pouring the slab for the floor of the lower level.

Brighton is still not walking, but he is standing on his own, and pulling himself around tables and such while walking. His favorite things are "outside", "ball", "shoes", and of course food. He loves to eat more than anything!!

Since it has been a couple of days since I've posted I thought I would update. My grandmother has gotten sick. She got bronchitis a couple of months ago and just cannot shake it. She was admitted into the hospital yesterday. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Brighton and Jim & Linda Croke

Okay, so a few more things have been going on since we got back. Jason, Kelly, Craig and I went to our friend Davin's wedding. It was in Fort Mill, and during the ceremony a HUGE hail storm came through. We thought the hail was going to come through the stained glass windows of the church! When we got outside every car had bad hail damage :(

Jim and Linda Croke came for a visit! They brought Brighton some Cubs gear!It was great to see them.

More DR pictures

So I finally got a chance to upload our DR pics. Here are a few more from our trip.