minute! Got to move on to the next thing!
Baylor was doing okay with his new band, but we have haDays/weeks like this, when I am in the crazy hustle and bustle of running around from one place to the other constantly, while trying to take care of everyone and the home can be overwhelming. It seems life consists of getting up, making sure everyone is fed, running Baylor to specialty Dr., jetting kids off to preschool, then flying into work. 'Whoops...did I forget to put on my eye make up?' To do lists, constantly running through my head. Leave work, get home, do 80 loads of laundry, make dinner, sooth crying baby, get Brighton what he needs, try to clean up the house a little. 'Why did I come into this room again?'. Sometimes Jason and I can be like ships passing in the night, just to make it all work and get it all done. It works though. What makes it all worth it?? These two. My little sunshines. Here are their 2012/2013 Denver Baptist Preschool pics. Pretty cute huh? Looking at these pics puts a smile on my face and makes me exhale. But just for a d a set-back. He wore it off and on as instructed for the 1st two days. The 1st night was rough, but the 2nd night was a little better. By the 3rd day, he was not really noticing it much. He wore it all day yesterday. When I took it off though, he had a little mark that did not fade away as it was supposed to. Since the red spots are supposed to fade he did not sleep in it last night (and slept a full 8 hours!!!!). So, we have to go back to the specialist tomorrow so they can make adjustments. We don't want to suffer any more delays than we have to. We want to get this over with!! The sooner he can get used to the band the better. He really was not minding it at all yesterday though. Here is him playing with a giant ribbon from one of Brighton's birthday presents.
Over the last few weeks, Jason and I had to make a very hard decision concerning Baylor. His pediatrician recommended that we take him to Cranial Technologies for their opinion. His little head is flat in the back/top. It is nothing that would affect his brain or anything serious like that, but something that cannot be corrected once he is past 18 months. Of course, we were less than thrilled about the prospect of our precious little baby wearing a "helmet". He has enough problems with his acid reflux, spitting up and projectile vomiting, so we certainly did not want to add to his troubles. It turns out his "troubles" are part of the reason we are in this boat. Because he is so uncomfortable after eating, it is hard for him to do tummy time and he is only comfortable in certain positions (flat on his head) while being rocked. Soooooo, for the last 6 weeks Jason and I have been working with him as much as possible to have him sitting up when it is comfortable for him and of course he is now able to sit in the Bumbo which helps, but it just wasn't enough. Cranial Technologies thinks they can help him in about 6-10 weeks. It was scary at 1st. Looking at him having his images made from all angles and seeing the pictures of the helmet babies, but sitting there watching them take the pictures with all of their high tech machines (they reminded me of MRI machines) made me realize how lucky we are that he is healthy and that all of this is strictly for cosmetic reasons. We want him to be able to wear a football helmet one day, and to shave his head with the rest of the guys from the basketball team down the road!! Actually being there in the lobby and seeing all of the cute little helmet babies who were smiling and laughing with their individually decorated bands on was really heart warming and cute. Made us feel alot better about it. We ordered the band last week. "Band" is the politically correct term for this, by the way. I took him this morning to have it put on.
This is Baylor after they put it on, strapped into his carseat. Both Poppi and Gigi commented how he looks like an astronaut about to launch into space! It is only day one and I hear the 1st days can be rough, but he will get used to it shortly and it will not bother him. We have to go back every week, then 2 weeks for adjustments. I am just hoping it works fast so that he doesn't have to wear it into the hot months of Summer. We will decorate it in a couple of weeks, once they get initial adjustments right. I told Brighton that it was Baylor's "Hat" and he likes it. Wish us luck!!
I did not think that I would have anything to post about last weekend, but it turned out to be a pretty good one. Some unexpected weather and lots of productivity. The plan was for Jason to get the supplies that he needed to start on the bonus room. He has been putting this off as he has never done anything like this before. He is going to start the room, do the insulation of the walls,do the dry wall (with help from Mickey) and then we will pay a professional to do the rest of it. We are trying to get it done before Summertime so that we will have a guest room again.
I wanted him to get as much done as possible and wondered how I would keep the kids entertained. I had a little project for an upcoming event that I am working on so Brighton was more than happy to help me with it. He helped me "craft". After that, he wanted to play dress up. He was worse than a girl, going from the above costume, to Batman, then changing into his police man and fireman costumes!!

After dress up was over we all went to Lowes as Jason needed something else and I was able to dart into a couple of other stores that had the birthday gifts that I wanted to buy for Brighton, while Jason kept Brighton looking the other way. We got home and I put Brighton down for a nap.
Right after I put him down, a snow blizzard started!! It happened so fast! I wanted to wake him up to see, but decided to let him be surprised when he got up. We have not had a good snow since Brighton was about 10 months old, so he has never really gotten to experience it before.
About 2 inches accumulated in 45 minutes!! Brighton was soooooo excited to see it when he woke up. I dressed him up for the conditions as best as I could, considering us North Carolinians do not have much gear for these types of days!
Jason decided to quit his project for the day and took Brighton outside to build their 1st snowman together. Something cute that Brighton said while they were playing in the snow was "Maybe now Christmas will come back!!".
While those guys were outside, Baylor discovered his new giraffe. He was holding it and squealing at it with delight for almost 45 minutes!! We have not named him yet. I was thinking of calling him "MoMo" since he has a little mohawk.

What a fun and unexpected snow day!! Unfortunatly for the snowman, this is how we found him 1st thing on Sunday morning.
No worries. Brighton thought it was funny. Sunday I did so much laundry and cleaned the house and the boys and I did a grocery store trip, all while Jason worked upstairs. He surprised us all by completing the insulation and he did a great job! My husband is !
turning out to be a very handy guy
Book your summer trips now to Casa Flowe of Lake Norman!!
Here are my sweet little Valentine's this morning. Brighton was excited to take his cute little mailbox (that Aunt Stephanie gave him) to school with him today and pass out his Valentine's. Okay, actually that is not true. He told me he did not want to give them out, but wanted to keep them all, until I explained that he will get Valentines from the other kids! Then he was okay with it!!
Since Jason and I went out last Saturday night and got to go out to dinner Tuesday night as well, we have decided that our celebrations for the week have been covered!! I do LOVE all of my Valentine's this year. Jason, Brighton and Baylor!!!
Above is Brighton when he was 5 months old. Along with a baby-faced Jameson. Below is Baylor at 5 months.
Interesting to see that Brighton still had his Cradle Cap then as does Baylor. Baylor's is getting much better though. It does not bother him all all, and he gets more and more light, blonde hair every day it seems!
Billie threw Todd a big birthday celebration party at Red Rocks on Saturday. It was so much fun. We had not been to Red Rocks in quite a while, so it was nice to have a reason to go. There were 40 guests. I am always happy to celebrate a friend's birthday.
Billie did a great job putting it all together and it was good to see everyone.
Afterwards a few of us went out to Saeed's for an After-Party! Karaoke and dancing are always fun!! Especially with our group.
My mother in law generously kept our children so that Jason and I could have a night out. Thank you Gigi!!
The rest of the weekend was low key. Here are some pics of Baylor, after a swaddle escape, and Brighton discovering Mommy's boots!
Jameson turned 6 last Thursday. This year it was all about her new American Girl doll. The doll was a huge deal and we all gave her accessories for her. Jameson even brought her to the party. It was at Cherry Berry. She invited the little girls from her class, plus Brighton and Baylor, the only boys!!
What a cute place!! It was my 1st time at a yogurt bar. VERY GOOD!!
After yogurt, they played "Pin the Cherry on Top". Michael and Brighton ran around together while the "big girls" did their thing. It was fun. I would like to go back for treats soon! Happy Birthday sweet Jameson!! We love you. Brighton had a great time at the party , but he kept saying how he wanted it to be HIS birthday. I told him, his birthday is next!
Baylor lights up when Brighton comes around him. He was very loving and affectionate to Baylor all weekend. He gets right in his face and wants to "hug and kiss him". It is very sweet, but sometimes he gets a little to close!
This is Baylor being patient with a VERY hyper Brighton!!