Flowe Family

Flowe Family

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

I am still gathering pictures from last weekend, so that recap is yet to come. In the meantime, here are some Tuesday smiles. Bank suckers can make them so happy!! 

Already gone! These pictures were taken at the same time! 

Monday, July 21, 2014


We had a very low key weekend. The weather wasn't so great. Brighton and Baylor threw the frisbee in the light rain on Saturday, and then climbed the walls at our house until it was time to go eat dinner at Aunt Lacey's house! 

Sunday was a little better. No rain, but overcast. We still had a little afternoon lake time. 

Brighton picked out his church clothes yesterday by himself and was quite excited to wear his new, stylish H&M pants! He really does enjoy wearing stylish clothes, and I love that about him. Luckily, Jason has never protested about any of the choices. It takes a real man to wear a pink shirt or some green TAPS!
"Every girl's crazy bout a sharp dressed man"

I am sure this week will be long and uneventful. We are looking forward to my sister Kelley's upcoming visit next weekend. Another set of girl cousins for the boy's to play with! 

Friday, July 18, 2014

Around the house

I have not had anything exciting to report on lately. We have been doing our normal routines. Work, preschool, lake, etc... Brighton has been swimming really well! He is such a little Pisces! Now that his swimmer's ear has cleared up we can focus on that again. 
Baylor has finally learned to open doors in our home. We have knobs instead of handles so that has been holding him back until now. Unfortunately they make no child proof covers for the kind we have. He goes straight for the toothpaste, or the lotion, or the nail polish. What ever is messy and that he can get his hands on! Have to keep after him, or he is up to something! Also, he has been really affectionate lately and it is so sweet. When he is not fighting with his brother he is kissing him! And us.
Hmmm what can I grab from the fridge?

Dreaming about swimming? 
Happy Friday!!   

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

4th of July Weekend

We had a great long weekend to celebrate the 4th. Nothing to out of the ordinary for us. It was a typical, boating, lake days kind of weekend. We did fill up on fun, food, fireworks and drinks, of course!

Sorry Baylor, no tubing for you yet!


The best part about it was the weather. We have been suffering through 90+ degree temps with extra humidity lately, however, we got a break during the 3 days of the holiday weekend. 87 degrees, no humidity with a slight breeze. I'll drink to that!! Well, I did that already! 

We did make it out to a friend's party for a little while. The band invited Brighton to participate. He loved it. That one is not shy at all! 
Some people call me the space cowboy, some call me the gansta of love...

Good times! Loving this summer. 
Brighton had been complaining about his ear hurting for a few days. After a night of none of us (except for Baylor) sleeping, a trip to the doctor was needed. Indeed, he had Swimmer's Ear, being the little fish that he is. He was a champ at the doctor. We went ahead and did his 4 year old check up. Had to get 3 shots and did not even flinch!! Brave little boy! 
Since Brighton needed to stay out of the water for a few days, we figured a trip to the splash pad wouldn't hurt. Here are the boys waiting to go. Notice Brighton's look of impatience...

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

VBU 2014

Last week was so much fun. Stephanie, Cooper, Carter and baby Asher came for a week. Cooper and Carter attended Bible school here for the 2nd year. Brighton was not old enough last year so this year was his 1st. He has been looking forward to it for weeks! It was also very fun for him to have some little boy cousins around for a change. He is not used to that!
All of the kids had a great time every day at Bible school. On Friday, family was invited at lunch time to see them sing the songs that they had learned all week and then eat a pizza lunch. 

Baylor had been wondering where his big brother was going every morning!

In addition to VBS, the kids also had fun playing at the splash pad, as well as the pool and Baygent's Beach. The Kisgen's were staying at Lacey's house so one night Carter came over for a slumber party with Brighton. They had a great time of playing with Brighton's toys, eating dinner, and watching Wipeout before bed. 

Good to know that Brighton's 'dress up' wardrobe is enough for 6 kids! 

It's always great to spend time with Stephanie and the boys and it was so special to finally meet baby Asher! He was full of smiles and a bouncy personality. What a good baby!! Such a cutie!! 
Always had a smile for Aunt Season!

The Kisgens left on Saturday. We hope to go and visit them after the hustle and bustle of summer slows down. Missed you Patrick!
Saturday, Jason and I took the boys to meet Gigi at a bouncy/slide place.

 Had a great time. 
Fun week and weekend. Now, the long 4th of July weekend is coming up!