Flowe Family

Flowe Family

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Goodness! More than half of the month of November has passed without a single post. Lets see, what have we been up to? Not a whole lot. Last weekend was fun though. My aunt Linda and husband Fred came to visit. They went to the Panther's/Falcons game. 

Very good to see them always!
Saturday Brighton got to go to the Marvel's Heros show with Gigi and Pop. He saw all of his favorite super heros in action! I know he loved it!

Today the preschool honored the parents with a catered Thanksgiving lunch and a sweet performance by the kids.  Brighton LOVED doing this and his teachers put him in the middle of the stage as they saw his enthusiasm and heard his loud proud singing at practice! 

Michael sang her heart out as well
Baylor's group did good just to sit on stage!! Didn't do much singing. 

We got the heat going and the winter pajamas out. BURRRR it's cold!

 In the words of Jimmy Buffett, "I wanna go where it's warm"!!  

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Halloween and the Family Force

This year the kids got into the Star Wars spirit! Of course Jameson was meant to be Leia, and Brighton had perfect Luke hair. That left Michael and Baylor in question. I think these characters were very appropriate (especially Michael's as she LOVES a villain!).

Whats not fun about toting a glow in the dark Lightsaber while collecting candy?  They had a blast and seemed to be a big hit with everyone who saw them!! 

I did not know what could top my favorite costume year which was last years' Wild Thing theme, but I have to say that this is pretty darn cute!