I think we are getting back into the groove of things after being gone for a week. It took a couple of weeks just to recover and catch up on our work! Fall is approaching. This is normally the time of year after a busy summer that we get some free time, but it seems every weekend we have had something on the books to do. Not complaining, just staying busy!
Brighton went to his 1st Nascar event. Qualifying with Daddy, Uncle Mickey and Jameson. They had a great time. Brighton is still loving school and he is doing great. I met with his teacher the other day for his 1st quarter review and she had nothing but positive things to say about him! He is doing great.
I got out the small amount of Fall decor that I own and was surprised to see Baylor's reaction to it. He was overjoyed and so happy! He was kissing each piece on this particular morning. I guess we are in store for a very excitable Christmas this year! We all know how Brighton gets, so imagine two of them!
Burrrr! Starting to get chilly around here!