Flowe Family

Flowe Family

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Father's Day Weekend

Our Father's Day weekend was filled up with fun activities involving dads! We spent some of the weekend at Kelly and Craig's with Max and Connie. Had a nice lunch and went out on Max's boat for a couple of hours. 

The Flantley O's (we have decided to combine this name rather constantly saying Antley's and Flowe's) along with Donna took DB out to eat by boat on Sunday. Lovely day. Love all of our dads!

Jason, you are the best dad to our boys. Thank you for being such a strong role model for them to look up to. Thank you for being such a hands on father and help to me! We love you!!

Monday, June 22, 2015

Family Reunion at Myrtle Beach

Warning many pictures ahead!! 
This year, my 1st cousins on my mom's side of the family (Thomas') made plans to get together to reunite with each other and have all of the little 2nd generationers meet. The last time we all got together (minus Meredith, who was missed but working away on Realty TV in Hollywood!) was almost 3 years ago, so there have been 3 little baby boy additions to the family since that reunion, so it was time! 

8 adults, and 9 Little Ones all united for a week at the beach. It was such a great  time. The kids all got along and had a blast, as did the older ones!! 

The week literally flew by and we were packing up and saying goodbye way to soon. We had a fabulous week of days at the beach, cooking big meals or going out together. It is tough to get everyone's busy schedules in sync to plan something like this, but now that we have done it, I hope that there are many more to come!!   

FOND MEMORIES MADE. I love all of my cousins and really appreciate everyone's efforts to stay connected and close as we get older and have families of our own. Missed you Mer!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Summer has started

and we are loving it! The last two weekends have been nothing but playing in the lake with long time friends as well as new friends. 

This is just the beginning of a very fun summer. I know it will fly by and I am trying to keep it going forever!
My mom had to have surgery and was in and out of the hospital, but thankfully she is on the road to recovery and home. 
Jason is learning to "Surf" Lake Style! Brighton went to the beach with Gigi and Pop. Baylor was an only child for the weekend. Mickey is a bird brain...
Fun times!