My grandmother who is 90 years old was in a terrible car accident, hospitalized with various broken bones. Back, and ribs. She shocked everyone by being strong and surviving! She is now in physical therapy in an assited living therapy home. My dad and Aunt Linda have been seeing to all of her care! Prayers were answered!
Brighton started 1st grade! His teacher is named Mrs. Crowe and so far we all love her! He is still getting up early and loving school!
Baylor turned 4! I cannot believe it but my baby is 4. My friend Kelly who happens to be Baylor's best friend John Chace's mom invited us to go to the beach since she had a work conference later that week. What a FABULOUS 5 days! The boys had a blast as did the girls! So much fun. We had beach time, water slides, cake, balloons, bumper cars and games!! It was a great time.
Now baylor is back in preschool, so everyone is returning to a schedule. I am a little ready for Fall and I could not picture myself saying that a month ago!