Baylor is 7 Months!
Okay Baylor hit the 7 month point a week ago, but I am just posting his official pictures as well as the back to backs with Brighton.
Look at those two teefies!! He is now officially rolling over from his stomach to his back. He sits up on his boppy pillow. He is full of baby laughter which is just adorable! He is not saying any real words yet but is doing plenty of babbling. He says "Dadadada" (not addressing Jason) and what sounds to me like "the baby" when he is hungry! Also, I hesitate to write this next sentence because it seems that every time I state this on my blog, the next day Baylor stops doing it, but he is sleeping through the night again. Knock on wood. For about two weeks he has gone to bed at 8:00, woken up to eat between 11:00-12:00 Midnight, and then slept peacefully until 6:00 or 7:00 AM, where he lays in the crib and babbles happily to himself. He has not really slept well since he started wearing the Doc Band, 9.5 weeks ago. Ha, now right before he is getting it off, he is finally used to it!
Baylor on the beach for the 1st time at age 7 months
Brighton on the beach for the 1st time at 7 months
Funny, we just happened to take them on their 1st beach trips when they were at the exact same ages!
Below is Brighton at 7 months
And here is Baylor at 7 months
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