Flowe Family

Flowe Family

Monday, April 14, 2014

Pre Easter Festivities

We had a lovely weekend. Saturday we went to an early Easter egg hunt in my parent's neighborhood. We had beautiful weather for it!!
The Easter Bunny was there!! Baylor was terrified of him. He would tune up even if he spotted him all the way across the lawn. 
Brighton had no problem! 
We got the Bunny to sneak in behind the kids for a picture without Baylor knowing!
Looks like he's getting the feeling that something's up. Maybe someone was watching him that wasn't supposed to be!! Hmmm...Suspicious indeed!
Baylor picked up one egg during the hunt. He seemed quite content with it. 

Later on, they dyed eggs with Aunt Lacey per tradition and had little egg hunts of their own. 
On Sunday, after a nice Palm Sunday church service, Jason and I took our two to Chuck E. Cheese for a little Flowe family Fun. Thy had a great time! 

Glad that we got to do fun things with the kids this weekend. Next weekend is Alecia's wedding and so Jason and I will be gone a lot. Looking forward to the wedding and Easter and FINALLY being able to wear white!!
I have finished my 45 day boot camp. It was tough as hell, the hardest physical thing I have ever done. Really challenging to push myself though. I found that I am capable of doing a lot of things I thought I couldn't do as well as some weak areas that need work! It was a great way to get me out of my winter laziness and has motivated me to get my workouts going again!! Sorry, I don't normally talk about fitness on here, but since I have been totally engulfed in this for the last month and a half, I had to at least mention it. Jason was a trooper as it involved him being Mr. mom almost every week night at home and I did miss that time with the kids. Had to do it when I could though as my plate is pretty full.
 Now that warm weather is here we are starting to plan trips and fun summer activities!!  Good moods all around!

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