Flowe Family

Flowe Family

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Snow Days and Super Bowl

We have made it through January. Not without a snow storm though! After a very warm winter so far, we finally got a snow/ice storm that had us out of school and off of the roads for two days plus a weekend. We did some sledding and the kids got to use their snow ball maker that they got for Christmas!

With February, came the Panthers making it all the way to the Super Bowl!! I was extremely excited. Planned a little party for a few friends at our house. As soon as I started planning it, Jason announced he was GOING to the super bowl with DB. Goodness! What??! Crazy, but to good of an opportunity to pass up. I cancelled the party. I am no good without a co-host. They went. Had a blast, but unfortunately could not celebrate a win. Once in a lifetime opportunity though!

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