Flowe Family

Flowe Family

Monday, March 30, 2015


Here are a few pics from Brighton's soccer games. He gets so excited about playing. Has yet to score a goal but we are just waiting! His coach said he loves how he always shows up with a smile! 

Go Wild Cats. Go #2!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Spring has come early for us! At least for now. Brighton has started soccer but the last 2 weeks have been a wash due to rain. Things are looking up now.  He is thrilled to practice.
Also, he is so excited to wear his new clothes to school this week. The boy loves his clothes! He is excited for shorts because he claims to hate jeans. 

Baylor is becoming a big boy. He refuses to sit at his high chair and pretty much repeats everything Brighton says. He says many amusing things lately but my favorite is after his bath. His fine hair gets so matted up in the back if I don't brush it, so I have to when its wet. He hates having his hair brushed and when I am done he screams "Give my tangles back!!". He's serious. He wants them back. Now. 
He is becoming very independent and want to do everything for himself from zipping his pajamas to putting his seat belt on. "I DO IT!" and you can't really mess with that tough guy!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Old School

My Aunt Paula must have decided to play with her scanner because she is posting some great old pics on Face Book. Here are my mom's parents Ernest and Juliana Thomas (Guy and Bubba to us).

And this little gem was of us Thomas cousins. This had to be taken about 1984ish? I remember walking to have this made before the big Easter egg hunt. 

Some are saying that Lacey and I look like Jameson and Michael in bad, unbrushed 80's wigs!! And Baylor totally has Patrick and Meredith hair! 

Thursday, March 5, 2015

It is that time of year again that I always complain about. The dreary last days of winter that are wet and cold and seem to drag.....

However, it is March so there is the glimmer of hope. Knowing that nice weather is coming. To pass the time, last weekend we got out and met Craig and Taylor at Discovery Place Kids. Max used to take Brighton here all of the time but I had never been before. It was such a cute place for little kids. They had a blast! 

The bank was a big hit
This week at preschool was spirit week. The last couple of days were so easy for me as Brighton was allowed to dress himself and I would not be judged as a parent by his choices! Wacky tacky Wednesday, and pajama days!!