Flowe Family

Flowe Family

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Back to Back Picture Time

I have not done this since Baylor turned 1. I figured that it couldn't go on forever but it is so much fun to me. I will do these only seldomly, but since Baylor is now 15 months, it sounded like sort of a good time!
Baylor 15 Months
 They seem to have the same expression! 
Brighton 15 Months

Baylor is walking everywhere these days, and no longer looks like a little drunk man trying to get around. He eats a TON! Not sure where he gets his straight hair from. Not either one of his parents! 
For the last couple of months he does the sweetest thing. Puts his head on our shoulders. he LOVES to be rocked. I never used the glider chair with Brighton but it is a must that we rock Baylor in it before bed. So calming. 
 Baylor "rocking" on the horse, much different than the calming before bed rocking! 

Christmas 2013

After all of the hoopla, planning, cooking, shopping, wrapping, stressing... Christmas happened again! It was a  great one. We got together with all of our extended family and had some time on our own as well. Baylor is not quite at the peak of excitement age yet, but he could tell something special was going on.  
Christmas Eve we got together at Kelly, Craig and Taylor's with Connie,Max, Billy and Mary. 

Great way to start off the celebrations!
Christmas morning, I was so nervous about Brighton. I thought for sure he would be up at 4:30AM  scoping out his Santa loot, without us there to see his adorable reactions. Thank goodness, he didn't. He slept in until 7:15 (!!!???) then crept into our room and got in bed and said "Good Morning. Santa came, but I didn't look yet...can we go see?". Baylor, who can sometimes sleep late could tell there was excitement buzzing around in the living room and wanted up too, so we got him in there to join us. 
The prized new Batcave

After Santa, we all opened our gifts to each other and looked through stockings. 
Later that morning Rachel, Donnie, and MawMaw joined us. We had another present explosion and then lunch. 

That afternoon we headed over to my parent's house. Had our usual delicious beef tenderloin dinner, and gift exchange. There seemed to be a music theme this year. Jameson named their new band "Cousins and Sisters Band". 

We are so blessed to have such a wonderful family to share Christmas with, and such beautiful, sweet little children to observe and cherish!! 
After Christmas was a few glorious days of time off of work! This was my favorite part, I think.
Saturday, Lacey and Mickey had their annual Oyster Roast. They normally do it on New Years Eve but had it early this year so that they could do it on a Saturday. It was fun and oysters were great, but very cold outside. I stayed inside for the most part and took only bad pictures. 
Now, it is the end of 2013. I have to say that I am looking forward to 2014. I like even numbers much better than odds! No special NYE plans. We are being lame this year, but happy to welcome a new year!!!

Monday, December 23, 2013

It's Christmas Eve Eve????

I am having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that it is the day before Christmas Eve!! Making my grocery list now. I guess we are ready. One gift that I was waiting on for Brighton came on Saturday! Talk about last minute... I could barely stand the wait for the mail every day. Need to wrap it up, put it under the tree and then I am really DONE.
We had a nice weekend. Went to a breakfast Saturday morning with Rachel and Donnie and family. Then, they took our boys with them so that we could attend Andrea and Chris's party.
Had a great time!!
It is hard to believe that Baylor could fit inside of this last year! Oh how he has grown in a year!!

Haa, to cute. Hope that everyone has a very Merry Christmas! Brighton has me very nervous as he has been getting up at 4 and 5AM lately!!  

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Weekend Fun

Saturday was rainy, but the 4 of us ventured out to get some shopping done. We let Brighton pick out a gift for his brother and parents. He had fun with this. Ha, we only took him to the dollar store. I just want him to start learning about giving, and not just receiving, which he does well!  We also stopped for lunch. It was challenging in down pours of freezing rain, but we made it fun. After that, it was home for naps and then Brighton and I made Christmas cookies. 

On Sunday we went over to my mom's for a photo shoot. As you can see, it did not turn out well. Michael wanted nothing to do with it! 

Jason and I had been wondering what we would do that afternoon / night, since the boys would be spending the night with Gigi and Pop. We wanted to do a date night and my dad actually offered us along with Mickey and Lacey his Panther's tickets!! Purrfect. 

We had a blast!! What a fun and unexpected day!! Oh and the Panther's won!! We stopped for some dinner afterwards. 
Now it is the last week before Christmas so I am trying to tie up some lose ends. I am still wrapping almost every night and am ready to be DONE. 

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Walking, Riding and Wrapping

I feel like it has been forever since I have blogged. Mostly because we had a big weekend and I am just now getting around to sharing it. Baylor has been taking steps for over a month now but Saturday he finally officially walked, more than a few  steps at a time.  Its about time. I will be eating my words soon, when he is opening doors and getting into places I could never have imagined! 

Jason was very sick starting last Thursday so I was a single mom for a few days and it was rough. Being sick was rough on Jason too! He did feel well enough to go and sit to watch the Christmas parade on Saturday though. 

This year, Lacey was in charge of the float for her church. She did a great job and won 1st prize for decorated float in the church category! Brighton and Jameson both rode on the float. In all of the chaos, I forgot my phone/camera so I did not get the good pics I wanted. Brighton was about as happy as I have ever seen him! These pics are not that clear, but are all I have. 

It has been cold and wet here.

 I have been busy buying Christmas presents and finally got some wrapped and under the tree! This took a lot of motivation on my part as I kept putting it off. Now it has become a night time ritual. 

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Santa Visit

This year we had the crying baby on Santa's lap. I always find these pictures a little comical. 
Yes, this was really the best shot that we got! I don't think that Baylor was actually scared of Santa, but thought that we were dropping him off and leaving him, as this is what he has been doing lately when I do the "hand off". 
You know Brighton enjoyed it though! I think he must have been slightly nervous as he told Santa what he wanted and it was a totally random toy that he has never even mentioned before. He wants to write him a letter to correct the situation and tell him what he REALLY wants. 

It's snowing in line!!

It was a fun day and I am glad that we did it before the lines got really crazy. Now, I have got to get back to the mall by myself and finish my shopping!! 

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

2013 Fall Preschools Pics

I am a little late getting these posted. I thought they were good. Brighton had a fresh hair cut (TO FRESH OF ONE) because I didn't know pictures were coming up until the day before but I thought they turned out good. 

These were Baylor's 1st professional pics and I think they turned out great!!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Christmas House!!

I am so excited about the outside of our home this year. I have never done anything outside for Christmas other than a wreath on the door. Thanks to my crafty brother in law, Mickey and my ultra-creative mother, this year we have these gorgeous oversized candy canes to display!! I decorated them with  large crystal snowflakes and bows and they were ready to go!! 

After we decorated, we did a little black Friday shopping. It really was not that bad. We had both kids with us. I guess the mad, mad people had rushed out that morning or even the day before. We found the perfect prelit trees to go on both sides of the door to complete the porch look! 

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...


This Thanksgiving Brighton was thankful "for Christmas" HA!! 
We had a great day seeing seeing everyone on Thursday. Great company and good food,of course! Way to much food...