Flowe Family

Flowe Family

Friday, August 23, 2013

11 Month Back To Backs

11 Months...tear, sniff, sniff, another tear.
Yeah, I really cannot believe it. Baylor will be a year old in a month. He is our BABY. Wow it goes fast. As far as updates for this month, we have reached a milestone. Baylor has been sleeping in our room his whole life. I know, it sounds ridiculous. BUT, he was waking up for a bottle every night between 10:30 and midnight and since his real bedroom is right beside Brighton's room on the other side of the house, I could not risk him waking his brother up with his "FEED ME!" wails each night. I have to admit, a small part of me liked it. It kept him like my little newborn, sleeping next to me! My nugget sized 'newborn', that is! Okay, so it was time for that to stop. While we were at the beach last week, something miraculous happened. Baylor stopped waking up for those late night feedings. So, when we got back home we moved him into his room. He has been sleeping GREAT! Our bedroom is so empty now, but it is time!! 
Baylor 11 Months 
Brighton 11 Months

Sorry Baylor is not smiling but he is so hard to get pictures of the way he is rapidly moving around these days. I call his name to get a picture, he turns and grins at me and as soon as the camera snaps, his head has whipped around in another direction. 
He is starting to really like bouncy balls. He tries to say "ball" but it sounds more like "baaah". He is eating a lot of food and less formula! He is still pulling up (1-handed pull up now!) and walking around furniture while holding on, but has not officially walked yet. He loves doing "So Big!" and Patty Cake. Oh yes, and did I mention he is finally sleeping in his own room?? I think I did!! Those are his last month's milestones. 

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