Flowe Family

Flowe Family

Monday, September 30, 2013

12 Month Back to Backs

So it has happened. Baylor has officially turned 1 year old. The back to back pictures of Baylor and Brighton are below. I had planned on stopping these at this point, but I have so much fun looking at the two of them at the same age, side by side, that I may still do it periodically. Just not every month.
Baylor 12 Months
Brighton 12 Months

Little Baylor Tide is a joy, a cutie, and full of his own rambunctious spirit!! He tries hard to keep up with his older brother. He does a good job of keeping his parents in the pursuit of him... fast little guy! He is not yet walking, as I guess he feels he doesn't need to. Nothing stops him from getting where he wants to go. He is eating very well, hardly drinking bottles anymore. We are waiting on our trip to the allergy specialist before we switch him to milk. He sleeps like a dream, and wakes up every morning with a smile. He still waves and says bye bye all of the time, and loves to do "So Big". I took him to his 12 month check up and they said he was doing just great!

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