Flowe Family

Flowe Family

Monday, November 4, 2013

"The night Max wore his wolf suit and made mischief of one kind

and another..."
Ever since Brighton was a baby I have dreamed of  when he would be the right age to dress up as Max, from "Where The Wild Things Are" which was one of my top 3 (if not #1) favorite children's books of all time. Luckily, Brighton loves this book too and was excited about the idea. Unfortunately, this night was very hectic so I did not take all of the photo opportunities that I once had in mind. Such as, pictures of "Max" chasing Wesley (who looks just like the dog in the book), or sitting in his little boat... I know, I suck. BUT we did have a fun night and have a few cute pictures to share. 
So Max, being King of All The Wild Things needed an accomplice. Enter Baylor, the Wild Thing!!

They were both so cute!! Baylor was okay about his head piece. He didn't like it much at 1st but would wear it for little amounts of time, especially after we showed him his reflection in a mirror!
We had a very nice night for Trick Or Treating as it was not cold like last year. Poppi made us another hayride. Always the best way to go!! It was a fun night for all of us!! Here are my two along with the Candy Corn Witch and her Little Kitty.

Batman's House - Brighton wasn't scared this year!

Another Wild Thing!!!
We racked up on the candy and Jason was way to excited about that! Baylor was a trooper and hung in there, staying up way past his bed time without complaining (Which is way better than being sent to bed without any supper. If that means nothing to you, then READ THE BOOK!!). 

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