Flowe Family

Flowe Family

Friday, October 24, 2014

Belated Anniversary Trip Get Away

Jason and I decided to take our anniversary trip a couple of weeks late this year so that we could enjoy the foliage of the NC mountains. We decided last year that a weekend away, just the two of us every year was much needed to reconnect as a couple instead of just parents, and get some sleep!!
We went to Sapphire Valley NC. The weather was perfect and our resort was pretty amazing. We may even bring the kids back here one day!

We did some mild hiking, enjoyed the grounds of Sapphire Valley, walked the town of Highlands, and ate pretty well! Oh and did I mention SLEEP? Sleeping in two mornings in a row was pure bliss. 

The kiddos were happy as they could be with Abuelo and Abuela. They got to go to a local fair and the bouncy place!  

What a great weekend. I am already looking forward to next year!! 

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