Flowe Family

Flowe Family

Monday, February 14, 2011

February Update

Greetings... Sorry that it has been so long that I have posted anything. The truth is, we are still trying to get organized in our new living situation, and we could not locate our camera cord for a while. Found it! Lets see what all has gone on this month. Well, my parent's had water damage and had to move out of the house for 2 weeks while their floors were refinished. Jason, Brighton and I toughed it out downstairs while the work was going on. It has been completed and they have moved back in.

Also, I have been trying to get Brighton's birthday party planned. It is just crazy to me how fast this year has gone! He is crawling as fast as a bullet. He has also been making some cute faces. He gives big slobbery kisses as well. I cannot wait for his birthday party!!

There is an above picture from Amy Rowland's surprise 30th birthday party. So much fun to surprise her and see a lot of good friends!

On another occasion, we went out to a neat wine place with Kelly, Craig, Melissa and Kendall who happen to be my fellow bridesmaids in the wedding. It was so much fun and we will be going back there again.

We have not broken ground on the house yet. We are waiting on a couple of things to go through but we are very anxious to get started.

Happy Valentines Day!!

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