Flowe Family

Flowe Family

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Baylor Update

Baylor is doing pretty good. He has a real strong neck and we have started "tummy time". On the fence about putting him on acid reflux meds. He seems to be in pain about half of the time that he is being fed so the last time we went to the Dr. we discussed and I decided to wait two more weeks to see if he grows out of it. I hate to put something into his body that could be all for nothing so I am willing to wait. He is growing and eating good, and stopped the vomiting. Poor thing got a bad dry rash all over his face which the Dr. said was "Cradle Cap". Brighton had The Cap too, but his was on his head, not his face. She prescribed an ointment for it and it seems to be clearing up. He is still waking up to eat every 2 to 3 hours in the night though, so with going back to work soon looming over my head, that is scary. On a sweet note, he smiles a lot and it is very cute!!

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