Flowe Family

Flowe Family

Friday, October 21, 2011

Shug, we have a problem...

Brighton's "Lovey" of choice has been his Sugar Bear from a young age. This bear originally came with a sound box inside him that attached to the crib and made mom's heart beat noises and such. Brighton never cared for this feature so one day I took the box out, and started making the bear give Brighton kisses, which made him laugh and laugh. Hence the name, Sugar Bear, now shortened to "Shug". Well, recently, Michael has taken a liking to this bear as well. She gets very excited when she sees him and steals him away from her cousin as much as she can. She is surpisingly strong and wins the tug of war quite a bit! I don't know what it is about this plain old Teddy Bear but he seems to be magic. They don't make them anymore so Lacey and my mom found Michael one of her own on Ebay. It has not been delivered yet so she is continuing to steal Brighton's when she can.

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