Flowe Family

Flowe Family

Monday, May 14, 2012

Why did the turtle cross the road?

I thought that I would share something that happened while I was at work today. My dad's office is on busy Hwy 16. I was working away when I heard a woman shrieking, a little hysterical like, much like I would be doing in her situation. She was standing across the road from our office, had stopped traffic because a very large water turtle was trying to cross. She was unsure of what to do as she was scared to pick this beast up. Now, I can sympathize with her because I have been in this same situation. Well, sort of. I am all about saving a turtle but I am either in the car with a male who actually gets out and picks the turtle up and moves it for me at my request, OR I can flag down a male passerby who sees me standing in the road afraid to pick up the turtle. Turtles freak out when they are picked up and try to snap at you!! Also, this has never happened to me on a busy road like Hwy 16. Back to the current story though, by the time I had come on the scene, a man in a van had stopped and moved the turtle out of the road but the turtle was hissing and snapping at him like crazy. I mean this was scary stuff. So I yelled for my dad to grab a large box and he went across the street with it. The turtle was so angry that he snapped a hole in the box!! After grabbing a 2nd box, my dad and the man got the turtle into the box. There was no water anywhere near for this poor turtle to go. He must have gotten washed out by the down pour of rain that we had yesterday and this morning. Being a good nature boy, my dad took the turtle to my house and released him near the water.
This is Turtle after his release. You can't really tell from this picture but the turtle was quite large. I wonder if I will run into him ever again. Nothing like a little excitement during the work day!

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