Flowe Family

Flowe Family

Monday, December 3, 2012

Bye Bye Batman...

and hello HoHo. Oh the magic of Christmas! Brighton has put his Batman obsession on hold as it has been replaced by his Santa one. He loved his HoHo's last year (remember the potholder that he would not let me put away and STILL has to sleep with) Well that was just icing on the cake for this year.
Brighton gets into Full On Santa mode and pretends to BE him. He stands by the fireplace with his finger on his nose, pretending to go up and down the chimney. He tells me to "sit on his lap" but really sits on mine instead, and asks me in a deep voice what I want for Christmas. He is LOVING Christmas! His teacher told Jason the other day that he has been teaching Christmas songs to all of his classmates! It is really funny. I know all children love this time of year but I have really never seen anything like this. He is already worried about putting everything away (decorations and Christmas toys) after Christmastime, so this could be detrimental to him! Good thing he will have a birthday right around the corner to distract him.
Saturday we went to the Denver Christmas parade. The Sunday before that we went to sit on Santa's lap. I have been busy trying to get my shopping done. Almost there!!
Baylor is doing well. He is showing signs of dropping one of his night time feedings (just not the right one!) so that is a start. After 10 weeks of maternity leave, I am about to start back full time at work. 10 weeks is almost as good as working for Corporate America benefits! I will be sad but I remember with Brighton, it was the hardest thing in the world, but got a little easier each week.

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