Flowe Family

Flowe Family

Friday, October 25, 2013

Diary of a Scared Mom

I have to say that when we left the allergist after Baylor's testing last week, I was discouraged, but I felt in my heart of hearts that everything was going to be okay, and that his levels would come back low, especially the peanut one. I got the call yesterday with the blood test results. In addition to what they told us Tuesday (Milk, eggs, and oh yes, PEANUTS), Baylor is also allergic to wheat, sesame seeds and soy. Hmmm, funny about the soy because he has been drinking soy milk for a solid week now and has been doing fine. The nurse said that percentage was low and if we felt comfortable and it wasn't making him sick, then we could continue with it. Anyway, the peanut allergy level was pretty high. On a scale of 1 to 100 he was an 85. 
Not sure what this face means
Bad news. After much reading, I have found that there is no way to detect how severely your peanut allergic child may react to accidental consumption. Every reaction could be different. Before these test, Baylor ate a small bite of a peanut butter cracker and vomited pretty badly. I was hoping this would be the extent of his reactions but learned that each reaction a child with a peanut allergy has can be different. He could vomit one time and then the next experience  anaphylaxis http://www.peanutallergy.com/content/articles/recognizing-anaphylaxis-and-how-to-treat-it
So, there is no telling how severely Baylor could react with peanut contact in the future upon anything accidental happening. SCARY AS HELL STUFF. We will take this very seriously. We have the epi pens now and will have them with us at all times. It changes everything. We have to read all labels, watch what he eats, train him and his brother on monitoring intake of all food and being aware of their surroundings. No more peanut butter or peanut products in our home. Brighton will only eat WOW Butter from now on. http://wowbutter.com/ All family members and caregivers will have to be on board and they all have been supportive so far. The scariest part is when I send him off to real school, or over to friend's houses. Peanut allergies rarely go away as most others do with age. Please think of us and pray for us and Baylor. I am a "Nutcase" over this right now, and probably always will be.
As for  the other allergies, he will most likely grow out of them as he gets older and will probably be able to tolerate small portions of them as Brighton has been able to do with his milk allergy. Brighton can eat chocolate, cheese, etc.. but cannot drink a glass of milk alone. So, we will test those waters. If I am wrong and he cannot tolerate moderation, then I will have to resort to putting us on a glutton free diet. 

Meanwhile, Baylor has been eating a ton and is willing to try everything. He ate grilled chicken, and zucchini along with the rest of the family last night! No more bottles or formula!! 

Brighton loves when I dress him and his brother like twins! This weekend we have Halloween festivities to enjoy, and next week actual Halloween!! 

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