Flowe Family

Flowe Family

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Recipe Time: Baylor's Super Scary Souffle

1 Cup of milk

1  or 2 angry eggs
1 spoonful of peanut butter
And you get....
This is me, trying to have a sense of humor about the bad news that we got at Baylor's allergy test yesterday. Not all all surprised that he is in fact allergic to milk, just like his brother. Not to shocked to confirm the egg allergy, as I cooked him an egg a week ago and he threw up pretty badly afterwards, but on top of these,  the DREADED peanut allergy too?? Come on! The allergy test itself was not to so bad. Time consuming but non painful. Once they found the peanut allergy though, they sent us for blood work to see how severe it is. We are waiting for the results. It is unlikely that he will grow out of the peanut allergy as most people don't.. We will do our best, and read labels, ask restaurants about what oils they cook with, and carry around the epi pen :(  We just have to be super careful and hope that everyone in Baylor's life  as caregivers (Teacher's, parent's of his friends) will be super careful as well. Poor little baby!! 

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