Flowe Family

Flowe Family

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Baylor Tide Flowe is here

and no, his name has nothing to do with college football! I wanted to incorporate my maiden name into his 1st name, so that is where that came from. Anyway, he is simply PEREFECT in every way. He weighed 6 lbs, 14 oz. and was 19" long. Born at 12:40 PM on Thursday, September 20th, 2012. Mother had a pretty easy time and everything is well!! He is sooooo tiny, I cannot believe it. He sleeps all of the time, waking up only to eat and is eating well too. We just LOVE him.
Brighton came to meet him at the hospital on Friday. It was very sweet. He was really excited and just thrilled that this baby that we had all talked about for so long was actually real.
Delivery was once again at CMC University, and just like the 1st time there, Jason, baby and I loved our stay. They were very good to us there. I know some people find this hard to believe but we almost did not want to leave. We were ready to get home to Brighton though, and start our new chapter. We left the hospital on Sunday. The weather had changed since we had gotten there and the day was perfect for going home. Almost like fall had arrived while we were there.
Here is Baylor Tide on Going Home Day
So, on Sunday, shortly after we got home, Brighton did too. He could not wait to see his little brother. He wanted to help Mommy feed him. He loves giving him kisses on his head. It is really sweet. For being such a good big brother, we gave Brighton a little play kitchen to play with. It is outside on our porch. Brighton loves to know what I am doing in the kitchen when I am cooking and likes to play in my utensils drawer so we thought this would occupy his time quite nicely, at least for a little while.
I am really enjoying being at home with my new baby. I love him more than I ever thought was possible. He just completes our family and I could not ask for a happier time in my life than now!! Baylor is a sweet pea and I am not even minding the long nights! Jason has been very helpful with him and we try to work out feedings times that work for both of us so I am very thankful to have such a supportive and helpful husband :) Also, Brighton has not yet asked us when we are returning Baylor to where he came from, so that is good too! I will add more to this blog as I can. Sweet Pea is sleeping and coo-ing right next to me as I post this.

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