Flowe Family

Flowe Family

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Begingings of Baby's Room and Batman

Over the last week I have actually made some progress. I am not completely ready to bring baby home, but am certainly getting there! Jason got the baby bed and changing table assembled and moved into the bedroom. The bedding is in, but that's it as far as that room goes. Lacey painted me some beautiful artwork, and I have some wall decor that needs to go up with it. I am also waiting on the blinds to arrive so that we can hang the window treatments in there. All of of those things should hopefully be completed this coming weekend. Jason and I brought up all of Brighton's baby clothes, blankets, newborn contraptions (swings, seats, bottles boppy, etc...)and went through them. I washed them all and put them away. So, that part is at least done! I still have a lot of work to do in the closet in there. Maybe this weekend that will happen. I have been storing all of my winter clothes in there so those must come out and find another home :( These pictures are not the greatest as the lighting was bad, but they are better than nothing. More to come once everything is put up in there and on the walls.
Last weekend I found a few things that I have been looking for and finding them has made me feel very relieved. 1st, was a coming home outfit for the baby. Brighton had worn something that was monogrammed so that wasn't going to work for this one. I have been looking for a long time and could never find anything special enough. I finally did on Saturday! Yay. Also, for the past few months I have been searching for a wooden youth table and chairs set. I did not really care what it looked like as I knew we would just paint it, but still it has been hard to find! Like I said, I wanted it to be painted so I have been looking for something used on Craigslist. NOTHING but plastic tables have been on there for sale though. I was losing hope. Saturday, while I was out and about I passed the perfect table and chairs set for sale outside at someone's house!! I turned around and purchased it.The right price and everything! So after it has been painted it will go outside on our screened-in porch. I want Brighton to have a place to color and play with play dough, etc... out there so this will be perfect! I guess everything is going to come together after all.
Brighton has been obsessed with Batman for the last month or so. He loves dressing up like him and playing with all of his figurines and Batmobiles. He watches the old Batman shows from the 1960's. Or were they from the 70's? Anyway, he cannot get enough. I was at Target the other day and walked by the Thomas the Train section in Toys and got a little sad. He is all about Batman! Also, he has been doing VERY well with his potty training. His teacher even complemented him on it the other day to me!

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