Flowe Family

Flowe Family

Friday, April 12, 2013

The Weekend is Upon Us

Brighton was helping Poppi plant his garden yesterday. 

Baylor continues to love his new activity mat. He is also eating pretty good. A jar each night of something different.So far, he loves apple sauce, and pears. Peaches are just ok, and bananas are YUCK!. I have bought more fruits as well as vegetables for him to try this weekend and since I will have more time with him, I can start giving him two or more of these feedings a day! 

Jason is working on a house for Habitat for Humanity on Saturday through his work. He hopes they will finish early like they did last year. I guess the kids and I will do a Target run for a few needed items. The weather is supposed to be nice. Low 70's!! I love this time of year when you get to have a break in the power bill. No heat and no air. In no time it will be up to 85 and 90 degrees, I am sure, so I had better appreciate this weekend!

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