Flowe Family

Flowe Family

Monday, March 25, 2013

Weekend and Easter Bunny Visit

We had a nice weekend, even though the weather was still lacking in the sunshine department. Jason and I both got some errands ran and things done around the house on Saturday. On Sunday, we woke up to pouring down rain, and low degree temperatures. You know, the perfect kind of weather to stay at home in front of a fire and some movies or good TV. Instead, we ventured out to see the Easter Bunny! We really had no choice, as next weekend is Easter weekend and is completely filled up with egg hunts and such. 

These are not the actual pictures that were taken by the photographer. I did not purchase the disc. These were taken by me on the sidelines with my iPhone. You get the idea. No one was crying, so that was good!!

Baylor was all rosy cheeked because he has been trying to beat a cold since Thursday. He was doing much better as of Sunday and is today. We cannot seem to get a break from these bugs that keep invading our home and bodies. Now I am starting to feel sick. The good news is that Baylor is doing so well on the costly new formula. We started it 2 weeks ago and he has only projectiled once since then, verses about 5 times a week. Also a lot less spitting up. I think we are onto something!

Brighton was funny on the ride home and stated that the Easter Bunny "didn't talk...".

 He  has been learning in school the REAL reason for Easter, and is excited for his school Easter party this week, and then the egg hunts and visit from the bunny this weekend.

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